Evaluation of driver’s license health reports prepared at Kartal Dr.Lütfi Kırdar City Hospital Educational Family Health Centers
Evaluation of driver’s license health reports

https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7890468Anahtar Kelimeler:
sürücü belgesi sağlık raporu- aile hekimliği- aile sağlığı merkezi- driver license health report, family medicine, family health centerÖzet
Objective: With the ‘’Regulation on the health conditions and examinations to be sought in driver candidates and drivers’’, which was published in the Official Gazette 26.09.2006 and numbered 26301, doctors and specialist doctors working in Family Health Centers (FHC) were authorized to issue driving licences health report (DLHR). While issuing this document, it is necessary tocomply with the health conditions and inspection principles specified in the regulation. Health reports have an important place among the daily workload of physicians working in Family Health Centers (FHCs). The aim of this study is to determine the characteristics of the people who are given a driver’s health report and to reveal the problems that may be encountered in the reporting processes and the points to be considered.
Material and method: Driver health reports prepared in Kartal Dr.Lütfi Kırdar City Hospital E-FHCs in the years 2020-2022 were reviewed retrospectively. The sociodemographic and health characteristics of 300 people who were given a driver’s health report were determined. Data were analyzed with SPSS 17 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences - IBM®) program.
Results: 55% (n=165) of the participants were female and 45%(n=135) were male. The mean age is 35.9±12.2 years.66.7%(n=200) of the participants are universary graduates. 18.0%(n=54) of the participants had a limitation. There was no significant difference between the disability status and gender, year of application and education level. While 49.3%(n=148) of the participants applied for a license for the first time,50.7%(n=152) applied for renewal.18.0% (n=54) of the participants had an additional disease; 3.3%(n=10) had diabetes and 5.0% (n=15) had hypertension. 13.0% (n=39) of the participants had an additional disease other than diabetes and hypertension.
Conclusion: Additional diseases, drug use status and limitations of the participants applying for a driver’s license health report should be screened, the driver’s health reports should be prepared in accordance with the regulation, and they should be referred to an additional branch or higher level health institutions when necessary.
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