Türk, T. İstenmeyen gebelik öyküsü durumuna göre kadınların aile planlaması yöntem tercihlerinin incelenmesi

Kadınların aile planlaması tercihleri

Özet Görüntüleme: 573 / PDF İndirme: 200


  • Ekrem Orbay
  • Tenzile Türk




Objective: The aim of this study is to determine differences between the family planning method choices of women with a history of unwanted pregnancy .
Material and method:This descriptive study was conducted with 300 women applied to Gynecology and Family Planning polyclinics of Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital. The working group was divided into two groups within itself according to the unwanted pregnancy history. Both groups were evaluated in terms of factors that may directly or indirectly affect unwanted pregnancies.
Results: Three hundred women participated in the study. The rate of unwanted pregnancy was 50.0% (n=150). The median of unwanted pregnancies was 4 (min:0-max: 6). Unwanted pregnancy rate is significantly higher in the 36- 45 age group (p=0.030). When the distribution of the cases
regarding the family planning method used is examined, the most preferred methods in both groups are respectively; with drawal, intauterin device and condom. When the two groups were compared, non significant difference was observed (p>0.05).
Conclusion: In conclusion, it was seen that there was nosignificant difference in terms of the methods used by the women in the two groups. For this reason, it is necessary to provide education and consultancy services to reproductive health and family planning women at every step they receive health care services.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Orbay, E., & Türk, T. (2023). Türk, T. İstenmeyen gebelik öyküsü durumuna göre kadınların aile planlaması yöntem tercihlerinin incelenmesi: Kadınların aile planlaması tercihleri. Journal of One Health Research, 1(1), 15–20. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7523961