Writing Rules
1. Journal of One Health Reserch accepts articles in English and Turkish in a single health field. Manuscripts will be sent using the online article uploading system available on the journal website. Articles sent by post or e-mail will not be evaluated.
2. Manuscripts that do not comply with the publication rules will not be evaluated.
3. Correspondence and information about all articles sent for evaluation will be made online and with the responsible author.
4. During the upload of the article to the site, the copyright and conflict of interest forms signed by the authors will be uploaded to the system with the approval of the ethics committee. In the absence of these forms, the article will not be evaluated.
5. The articles submitted to the journal for publication must not have been published anywhere before. A written document stating that permission has been obtained from the authors or publishers must be submitted for all manuscripts that have been published, will be published, or are being evaluated for publication in another printed publication. Authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions duly.
6. Articles will be prepared with Microsoft Word. Articles should be written on A4 paper size with 3 cm margins, 12 font size, justified on both sides and 1.5 line spacing. Page and line numbers should be given to all pages.
7. All articles must have a title page to be arranged separately from the main text. The full name of the article (if the article is in Turkish, it should be given in the English title) should be given on the title page. All authors' names, surnames, institutional information, ORCID numbers and contact information should be given on this page. Name, surname, contact information (including e-mail and telephone) should be given by specifying the author responsible for the article. At the end of the title page, the short title of the article (not exceeding 50 characters), the number of tables and figures, the number of words should be indicated.
8.1.Original Research Article: Original Research Articles should consist of Title, Abstract (if the article is in Turkish, Abstract in Turkish and English), Introduction, Method, Findings, Discussion and bibliography. Acknowledgments, conflicts of interest, and authorship contributions should be presented immediately after the discussion section. Original Research Articles should not exceed 4000 words when the bibliography is removed.
8.2 Case reports: Case reports should consist of Title, Abstract (Turkish and English Abstract if the article is in Turkish), Introduction, Case report, discussion and bibliography. Case reports should not exceed 2000 words when bibliography is excluded.
8.3 Review: Compilation type studies should consist of Title, Abstract (if the article is in Turkish, Abstract in Turkish and English) and main text. The compilations should not exceed 4000 words when the bibliography is removed.
8.4 Letter to the editor: Letters to the editor should not be longer than 500 words when the bibliography is removed.
8.5 In all types of writing, the abstract should not exceed 250 words. Abstracts will be structured as introduction, method, findings and conclusion.
8.6 References will be indicated in the text as numbers and superscript, respectively. The bibliography section will be arranged according to the Vancavour system.
8.7 There should be a maximum of 5 figures, tables and images for each font. Each figure, table and picture should be numbered. Table numbers and titles should be at the top in tables, and at the bottom in figures. Each figure and table should be arranged on a separate page after the bibliography.